Dodge Repair: 98 Concorde LH body: replacing motor

i need the steps to remove my motor in 98 concorde lxi 3.2

Hi Randy,
I have the '98 manual as a 'hard copy' and there is listed a 50-step procedure for removal of the 3.2L, and a 50-step install procedure. Many of the steps also reference to other parts of the manual for details. I can photo copy those 4 pages and send them to you by postal mail.
I also have the '04 Concorde manual on a CD and I can copy the virtually identical pages that list the 50-steps for the 3.5L engine which is the same engine basically, and send them to you as an attachment to an email I would send to you directly. I would need to know your email address to do that but when you me that don't use the @ symbol rather use "at" or the address will be automatically erased.
So let me know either way what you would like me to do.
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