QuestionQUESTION: My dodge Dakota truck5.2 when driving or sitting at stop light has a stumble or miss and sometimes u can hear clicking noise that is in sink with the miss
ANSWER: Hi Creg,
What is the year model of the truck?
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QUESTION: 92dakota5.2 4x4
ANSWER: Hi Creg,
The engine controller module has some self-diagnostic capability to take advantage of as the first step. Try turning the ignition key: "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the check engine light, which remains "on", to see it begin to flash, pause, flash, etc. Count the number of flashes before each pause. Then repeat the process to be sure of an accurate/consistent set of flash counts. Let me know the counts in order of appearance and we'll go from there.
Up to '96 the diagnostic capability was limited, and since then a lot more detail information comes out of this process. But lets give this a try. It is otherwise difficult to get a hint about the cause of a 'miss', or to tell the source of click without being there to hear it.
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QUESTION: 2flashes pause 1 flash then 5 flashes twice
AnswerHi Creg,
The 21 code says that one of the two heated oxygen sensors on the exhaust system is not working.
That is probably because of an open or short circuit in one of the 4 wires that each sensor has that connect between the sensor and the harness plug which are very fine and subject to breakage. So inspect the sensora on the midline of each exhaust manifold proper. As far as other sensors downstream beyond the catalytic converter it appears that thru '95 there were no such sensors. These 2 "upstream sensors" look very much like spark plugs.
It could improve the running/eliminate the miss to find and correct this situation and ideally remove the code. Check for that by disconnecting the battery briefly, then running the engine a bit to see if only the 55 code (which means "end of fault code readout") remains and if the miss/tick is gone.