Dodge Repair: alarm disarm problem: 98 Durango
Questioni have a 1998 dodge durango slt that i just had the driver door replaced on with door from junk yard i went and pick truck up and drove home and locked it from inside next day i unlock do with non factory key and alarm goes off i try to start truck but it turns off im trying to figure out if there is a way to reset it at home
AnswerHi Jarvis,
I unfortunately don't have wiring manuals for the Durango before '04. I do have the Ram manuals for '95 and '01 but would be uncertain whether what is shown in those applies to your '98 Durango. I wonder whether it might be the case that the wiring between the door lock switch and the alarm system (whose location I cannot be sure of) is "open". I don't believe there is any need for "factory key" to disarm the system in a model for '98. Did you change out the lock cylinder between the original door and the junk yard door such that key works to unlock the door?
The one thing to try would be to lock then unlock the passenger side door on the hope that either side will cancel the set alarm.
Other than that you could check the wires between the driver door lock switch and the disconnect located in the door hinge area to verify that wires are patent. Presumably the wires from the disconnect to the theft module are OK if you had no problem like this with the old door. So either the wires are "open" or possibly the door lock switch is electrically different on the junk yard door from that of the original door, and if you still have the old door you can install the old lock switch.
For lack of a manual I can't be sure what are the wire colors involve or the details of the disarming procedure but try checking the wiring and replacing the door lock switch so as to get the status quo ante situation which the theft system was "happy" with.