Dodge Repair: 4.7 dodge engine: no compression on one cylinder
Questiongot it hot 1 time now number 4 cylinder has no compression runs fine but skips on that cylinder oil pressure fine runs perfect except for skip rings? or could i be luckey and be stuck valve?Ksv8
AnswerHi Ronnie,
There is a combustion pressure leakage test that can be performed with a device that pumps in pressure to the cylinder(s) one at a time through the spark plug hole, and you then observe for where the air leaks out (tail pipe, throttle body, crankcase via oil filler cap, etc.?) and that will give you some good idea as to why the cylinder is bad. Check out the cost of such a tester and compare with the cost of having a shop do it. If you want the pages that describe this and how to interpret the results then let me know your email address, but don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at" or the address will be automatically erased.
I would do this sort of test first before taking anything apart so that you will have some idea as to what is the likely reason for no compression.