QuestionQUESTION: Yes, I need to know the procedure on replacing the front pump o'ring seal on 99 dodge caravan front wheel drive transmission3.8 liter vehicle.thank
ANSWER: transmission needs to come out buy a service manual and read of it for removing the transmission.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Okay, my thing is you guys say this is a free service and you will answer are questions for free.Now , giving the answer you gave do you really think its worth Getting paid for? Ok, the transmission I have it already out on transmission my work bench.The service manual im reading only goes over the the front pump seal , which I already know how to again, my question was can anyone explaine how do I go about replacing the front pump o'ring .And if the answer I get back is what I asked , Then you tell me how much of a donation I should make to your page and maybe you'll get one.Thank you. .
AnswerDo you know what a "SIGNATURE" is? uf not ill tell ya it an automated line added to every answer I answer for free which to date im up to 41620 questions.
Your question
"I need to know the procedure on replacing the front pump o'ring seal "
your answers "The service manual im reading only goes over the the front pump seal , which I already know how to do"
Front pump seal and oring are the same thing. Big ring that goes around the pump