QuestionQUESTION: 1998 ram with 5.2 engine. Just installed a new starter. Replaced 30amp ignition fuse. Truck will not start. Any ideas?
ANSWER: Hi Jacob,
I don't have the wiring diagrams, my most recent is an '04.
Was the 30 amp fuse powering part of the ignition switch, and if so what section/what did it power? Do you have any idea why it blew?
When you say it won't start, do you mean the starter won't work or that it works but the engine won't catch and run?
Do you have a vethicle theft security system if it runs for a couple of seconds and then dies, which is how that behaves when it isn't disarmed?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: No security system on truck. The fuse was from the panel under the hood. It was marked ignition and was popped so I replaced it. The new starter wont turn at all when the key is turned.
AnswerWas the 30 amp fuse found to be blown when you began the replacement of the starter, or after the starter was installed? What wss the "history" just before you decided to replace the starter?
The starter relay is the first thing to check: see if it clicks softly when a helper tries the key start. That way we can divide the issue between the part of the circuit that operates the relay and the part that operates the starter motor proper. If you can give me the fuse number I'll check my '04 manual just to see if it might be the same, though that is several years later than your Ram.