Dodge Repair: dropped a key into steering column
QuestionQUESTION: my wife dropped a mail box key down the hole where the hole is at the steering wheel moves up and down how do I get it out is there a way the I can get into the valley
ANSWER: Hi James,
What is the year/model/body style of the Dodge?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: it is a 2009 dodge grand caravan with a tilt steering wheel
AnswerHi James,
I am not clear as to where exactly the key entered the column. I have an '06 manual and an '09 manual on CD's. The latter is extremely detailed to the point where it is confusing/repetitive and very 'wordy'. I can send you a page or two from the '06 that shows the column and you may be able to identify the location in question. Is it the housing that surrounds the column immediately in front of the steering wheel? If so that is the "shroud" area and it can be opened easily following the instructions on the pages.
If you tell me your email address I will be able to do that. When you tell me the address don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at" or the address will be erased automatically.
Other than the key being missing, has it impaired the steering column/steering function?