Dodge Repair: 05 Ram heater blows only on high
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 1500 dodge truck that the heater will only work on high. The vechle I formation is as follows:
1500 quad cab two wheel drive
4.7 liters
Miles: 157,000
ANSWER: Hi Virginia,
Do you mean that the blower only runs on high speed? If so that means the blower motor resistor block needs to be replaced. What is the year model of the vehicle and I can tell you where to find it for replacement.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Yes the heater only runs on high. The year is 2005, I can't beleive i left the year out. Than you for the quick response
AnswerHi Virginia,
The resistor block is no doubt blown. You will find it by looking under the dash from the passenger side and at the far right end of the Heating Air Distribution box, on the under side of that box, directly adjacent to the round grille in which the blower motor and fan are located. So turn on the blower fan to get a reference for that location, then turn it off and look around the outside edge of the round grille for a small rectangular object which has a multi-wire harness with a plug that connects to the object (which is indeed the resistor block). Remove the plug and harness by pulling down. Then notice 2 screws at either end of the rectangulal block which when removed will then allow the block to drop out of the hole in which it is recessed. Put the new block in its place positioned in the same manner as the old one, insert the screws that hold in in place, plug in the harness plug and that should restore the multiple fan speeds. You might be able to get the resistor block at an auto parts store, or for certain at a Dodge dealer for a slightly higher price.
I can send you a page from the manual that shows you what I described above. Let me know your email address, but don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at" or the address will be erased automatically and I won't see it.