Dodge Repair: 02 durango: no start/no codes

QUESTION: My '02 Durango with 5.9 wont start!!
Daughter used it and it wouldnt star when she left the store. It wouldnt fire with starting fluid. So, I replaced ingition coil in the parking lot. Still no love. After getiing it home, i have fire to /form coil, as well as several spark plugs (it should still run rough, even if the spark is weak, right?). When cranking engine over to check plugs, i smell gas. So im lost, ive got fuel, air, and spark. the truck should run, however rough... correct

ANSWER: Hi Tony,
Yes, I would think it would run rough.
Have you tried the ignition key to get a fault code readout? Turn it "on-off-on-off-on and leave on". Then watch to odometer window to see if the mileage is replaced by a 4-digit number preceded by a P. Let me know. Is that 5.9 a diesel engine?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Sorry, its the 5.9 gas engine.
when i do the key thing i got a code in odometer that looks like it reads
P doNe.

ANSWER: Hi Tony,
That code means there are no fault codes.
I don't have the '02 manual so I can't be certain but I would suggest that you check out the exhaust gas recirculation valve which is attached by a narrow exhaust pipe to the right exhaust maifold.
If it is like those used in the '90's and early '00's
it would have a round top with a vacuum hose attached to it, a flamge between that and the body of the valve which is attached to the exhaust pipe. Look in the flange area for the rod which is the valve stem. It has a slot to allow you to move the stem with the tip of a screwdriver. Move the stem back and for the be sure the internal spring action is closing it to a dead stop. Spray some WD-40 on the stem where it enters the valve body and then move the stem back and forth. See if it will now start.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No EGR valve on my truck.
next thought?

I am surprised if there is no egr on your '02 as the '04 does have such a valve. My only uncertainty is about the specific design of the valve and servicing of it. So have you checked carefully for a small diameter exhaust pipe that braches of either exhaust manifold (usually the right manifold)? No start with no codes (and with spark/fuel/compression means that there is some device that is off-value but not so much as to set a code, or a device that is not will monitored, such as the egr valve. If it is slightly ajar rather than closed when you try to start it, then it often leans out the mixture so much that the engine won't catch and idle.
Have you check for compression?