Dodge Repair: Electrical problem

QUESTION: Hello! 2003 Dodge Caravan.Wipers starting acting up this morning.Various speeds don't work as they should.Wipers will not shut off even with Key out of ignition.Everything else electrical works fine.It has been suggested it may be the BCM Control.Do you have any alternate suggestions?Where is it located and why would it short out being located inside the Vehicle(I assume its under the fuse box?)Thanks Mark

ANSWER: Hi Mark,
I have the '02 manual on paper and the '04 manual on a CD, so let me check to be sure they are identical. If so, I can copy a page or so and send that to you attached to an email. There are about 7 possible reasons for this problem so I would prefer to get the list of details to you by email. I'll be back shortly with a revised answer.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: OK Done! Thanks I will watch my emails.Thanks!

Hi Mark,
Upon further study I misread the manual name I had looked into so I don't specifically have 7 possibilities to offer. The minivan manual doesn't go into that detail but rather suggests doing a fault code readout with code reader that can access the body computer memory.
Before doing that I would suggest that you locate the wiper on/off relay in the main power box in the engine compartment. It is one of  the two at the front of the box in the middle-line area, the one closer to the left fender. Remove the relay and choose one of the other relays that has the same part number and substitute that for the on/off relay and see if that solves the problem.
It may be that the relay is stuck "on" as it gets its power to run the wiper from the battery directly and so could behave the way you describe if its switch points were stuck closed.
Please read the PS (below) and respond to it.