Dodge Repair: 98 Dodge Stratus: 2.4L oil leak onto exhaust maifold
QuestionSir : My 2.4L is leaking oil onto the ex manifold cover, thus smoking when warmed up. Nothing to do with the valve cover gasket (replaced) and its not PS fluid. Any advice ?? Much thanks, Steve
AnswerHi Steve,
Have you searched for other sources of oil that might be getting on to the surface of the valve cover and from there onto the exhaust manifold? Are you loosing oil as shown by the dipstick. You might check the oil pressure sensor switch, which is located on the side of the engine next to the fire wall, towards the front end of the engine, about at cyl 2. While it is below the exhaust manifold it could be squirting oil under pressure up onto it. That is easy to replace if the source.
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