QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
My instrument cluster quit working 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan 3.8 AWD ES
I removed the cluster and checked for bad soldier joints, looks good.
I sent the BCM to be repaired but didn't make a difference.
I checked the wires to and from the BCM and the ground wires seem OK.
I have a wiring diagram that shows the color and what the wires are for but can not find what the voltages should be.
The orange wire for the Instrument cluster Illum Dim has no voltage?
Is this correct?
I have 2 wires with 12 volts, 2 with 5 volts and 2 with 2.6 volts.
Any possibility to get info for the voltages.
What would you suggest I do next??
Thanks Perry
ANSWER: Hi Perry,
Let me study the wiring diagrams for the vehicle. Can you tell me is there any thing that works on the cluster (warning lights, gauges, illumination lights) or is it entirely non-functional? Let me know and I will look at the diagrams and be back in the morning with an answer. If you get this reply and can let me know before morning that would be helpful.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Everything in the cluster is dead.
There are 4 gauges plus tach and speedometer, CEL etc.
The overhead console works so I know how far I can go before I run out of gas.
The small information bar above the cluster also works.
The van drives fine.
AnswerHi Perry,
The fact that the cluster is dead, given all the voltages supplied to it, makes me wonder whether the ground wires are connected to chassis ground. Those wires are black/light green on pin 7 and black/orange on pin 14 of the cluster plug. So check that both of those show 0 ohms to ground (any shiny metal chassis surface nearby under the dash, specifically the black/light green is grounded to a multiwire ground point under the dash panel at the very middle of the car, and the orange ground wire to a screw on the right side kick panel, but any clean metal structural support should be grounded to the battery - post).
As to other voltages on the cluster plug: pins 9 and 10 should be the 2.5 + and -, while pins 3 and 5 are the 5 volt. Pin 2 should show 12v as it powers the warning lamps and is connected to the battery at all times. Pin 6 should show variable voltage when the headlamps are 'on' based upon the setting of the panel illumination control. Pin 11 should show 12v with the key in the 'run' position. Pin 8 would be grounded with the engine off but open when the engine is running (that is oil pressure warning switch wire.
Let me know how those check turn out. The other continuity checks would be between the socket pins and the circuit board.
Please read the PS (below) and respond to it.
Thanks for doing that.