Dodge Repair: oil pan gasket: Ram 1500
QuestionQUESTION: 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 V8. Been reading where the engine has to be raised, is there another way? That may go beyond my knowledge. Read something about removing cross member and started as possibly another way.
ANSWER: Hi Gary,
I have the '04 manual and indeed it talks about removing the cross member which in itself is not so difficult (4 bolts). But there is a special Chrysler part #8534 needed to support the engine as part of the process (check at an auto parts supply store for price/availability/loan?), and you probably need a floor jack as well. There are about a dozen steps listed. I can copy the pages and attach them to an email I would send to you directly. Tell me your email address but don't use the @ symbol, rather use "at" or the address will be erased.
Tell me which of the 3 possible V8 engines that you have as the there may be slight differences in the pages.
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---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I'm going to invest in a service book. I did find a support tool at harbor freight pretty inexpensive compared to the real deal. Can you suggest points to attach the chains to support/raise the engine> I assume that everything else will allow me to raise the motor enough to remove the pan without disconnecting other components, would that be correct? Also thank you for your quick response to my questions.
AnswerHi Gary,
The '04 manual does show the 8534 tool and it appears to be a typical engine support bracket with a hook that you place across the top of the engine and its ends probably rest on the top of the fenders so as to temporarily support the engine that way when you then remove the underside cross member. Then after removing the cross member it mentions raising the engine just enough to allow the oil pan to be dropped off the bottom, but it doesn't say how to do the necessary lifting (unless the hook has some sort of threaded attachment to shorten it?). The manual does describe the other steps of the procedure which I can copy and email to you if you want them. Tell mw which size V8 you have and also your email address using "at" instead of @. It appears from the text that the motor doesn't have to be raised very much so it should be possible to do this yourself without major part removals.
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