Dodge Repair: After market gauges on 01 360 dodge ram engine with computer controls intact.
QuestionI am trying to install after market auto meter gauges on a 01 360 Dodge Ram truck engine with computer controls still in tack (the engine is now in a Wrangler). This includes coolant temp and oil pressure. The gauges come with new sending units and have a single wire from the unit to the gauge. The old sending units are two wire and run from the sending unit to the "computer" then to the gauges. I am assuming if I replace the sending units this will affect the way the computer sends fuel and spark. Can I run after market gauges in this set up? Would it be possible to use the stock sending units with the after market gauges?
AnswerHi Dave,
My earliest Ram manual is for '04 and for the Wrangler is '06 (by the way what year is the Wrangler?). But as you note by '01 the engine/transmission sensors sent their signals to the engine or transmission control modules (which use the temp sensor for sure) and there were digitized and sent to instrument cluster on a digital data wire. So the aftermarket set of gauges and sensors (which are designed for vehicles that aren't digitized) is unlikely to be calibrated identically with the stock items so might give false values to the control modules which then would impact how the engine ran. So I would be doubtful you can replace the sensors and successfully run a parallel wire to each of the aftermarket gauges without also possibly changing the voltages that go to the control modules. If the Wrangler cluster is of similar vintage to the '01 360 control modules then it is possible that the Wrangler cluster will still work. Or has that been tried and it doesn't work? Tell me what are all the gauges on the after-market set?
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