Dodge Repair: Speed Sensor Wire: late model minivan
QuestionAppempting to install taxi meter on 2014 dodge grand caravan. Where can i find a connection point for a positive dc voltage change? The change must go liw to high or 0 to +5 volt +/-
AnswerHi Stewart,
I don't have wiring diagrams for so new a vehicle. But in my '09 manual I see the 6-speed automatic transmission's output speed sensor wiring plug has two wires in its harness, a signal wire which is dark green/brown and a ground wire which is dark green/violet. So if you want a pulsing voltage you could try connecting to the dark green/brown wire at the output speed sensor which is stated to be on the right side of the transmission toward the end of it.
There is a similar-shaped input speed sensor toward the front of the transmission which measures the torque converter pulsing so don't use that one.
The pulsing on the dark green/brown wire pulse rate would be proportionate to the output speed of the transmission and thus the number of pluses would be proportionate to the distance travelled by the vehicle.
If you have the 4-speed automatic transmission the speed sensors are instead on the left side of the transmission (facing the front of the vehicle) and the output sensor signal wire is also dark green/brown as in the 6-speed plug.
Let me know if you need a drawing that shows where the plugs are located. Tell me your email address but don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at" otherwise the address will me erased automatically.
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