Dodge Repair: srs: replacing air bags after deployment

QUESTION: on a 08 dodge avenger. replacing a deployed airbag(driver and passenger) with a new one would the sys module tell the new airbag to go off?

ANSWER: Hi Mike,
Let me study the manual and see what I can learn; I'll be back later this evening with a revised answer. I suspect not, but there may be a procedure to follow to re-set the system.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So is that a no on the airbag not going off in my face?

Hi Mike,
The most important thing is that the battery - post be disconnected for at least two minutes before installing a new air bag. Care to avoid static electricity is also important.
The replacement safety and functional issues are described in length on a couple of pages from the '06 manual I have on CD for the LX model(300C) and on additional pages that describe the specific replacement procedures. I don't have a manual for the '08 Avenger to consult but I see no reason it would be any different. However, I would be pleased to send you the two pages from the '06 manual which says that the steering wheel and parts of the steering column (for sure the clock spring) also need to be replaced.  So if you would like to receive those 2 pages tell me your email address, but don't use the @ symbol, rather use 'at' otherwise the address is erased automatically.
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