Dodge Repair: Replacing windshiled washer pumps Dodge 2008 grand caravan sxt

Can you please tell me when replacing the windshield washer pump on a 2008 dodge grand caravan sxt does the front right tire need to be removed?

Hi Cookie,
Yes, the tire needs to be removed. Then the splash shield which conceals the pump in front of the tire needs to be removed. That appears to be a hemi-circular panel that is attached by push-pins (pry gently outward on center tab to release) to the frame rail before and behind the wheel suspension, and by screws that retain the panel to the front fender and the front bumper fascia in front of the tire. What I have described is from the '06 manual. The '08 manual I have on a CD is very difficult to access the info from because there is no index and no page numbers so I have to scan through hundreds of pages on the computer to find the drawings/text. But I believe there is no significant differences in this situation between the two model years.
So start by removing the wheel and then examine the directly in front of the tire.
I believe the pump is powered by fuse J21 so check that first.
There are a couple of pages in the '06 manual that describe the removal and installation of the pump which I can copy and attach to an email that I would send to you directly. If you want these tell me your email address but don't use @, rather use "at" or the address will be erased.
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