Dodge Repair: 41TE autotrans left side output seal leak
QuestionQUESTION: How do I change the left side transmission out put seal on a 97 dodge stratus 2.4L auto trans? Repair manual says to take it to a trans service shop.
ANSWER: Hi Mark,
I see you are referencing the Haynes manual about the oil seal for the left side of the automatic transmission's output. The Chrysler manual does not so specifically address that question but does describe that there is a difference between the left output side and the right output side of the transmission. The right has an "extension" housing which does have an oil seal which can be changed out. There is not a similar housing on the left side. The oil seal on the left side is apparently part of the differential output bearing retainer on the left side and that indeed seems to only be serviceable upon disassembly of the differential which well may require removal of the transmission. No specific instruction is given for a leak on the left side.
I would check out the various automatic transmission oil seal improvement compounds which you might add to your transmission fluid to see if there is one that is compatibly with the MOPAR ATF type 7176 transmission fluid and give that a try.
You might also first notice whether the fluid leakage is definitely from the output on the left side and NOT from around the oil pan lip being the source of the leakage. Gently check the torque on all those oil pan bolts which have a spec of 14 foot-pounds.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I am sure the leak is coming from the lh side of the transmission. Can you give me some information about changing the differential output bearing retainer if I not able to slow the leak?
AnswerHi Mark,
I have looked in all my manuals for the 41TE transaxle and unfortunately there is no clear description of how the left side output shaft is 'sealed'. The "differential output bearing retainer" appears to not be the part that provides the seal but rather is related to the ring gear.
I would suggest that you go to a dealer parts department and ask to look at the parts manual for your transmission which should provide an exploded view and would ideally show both the left and right side seals and perhaps thus give you an idea of whether or not it is replaceable without removing and opening the differential. Nothing that I have shows the seal or discusses its replacement on the left side. The manual describes only the replacement of the "bearing cups and cones" and claims that 'no other parts' are serviceable. However it is clear from the Haynes that the right side seal is replaceable.
Do let me know what you learn.
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