Dodge Repair: Blower works only on high: 04 Dakota

I have a 2004 Dakota with a problem with the fan. It only works on high speed. Whenever I turn the fan switch off the high position, the fan stops. What could cause this?

Thanks - Dave

Hi Dave,
That behavior is usually indicative of a failed 'blower motor resistor block' when one of the resistors burns out. You can get a replacement blower motor resistor block at a dealer or perhaps a auto parts store.
If you look under the dash at the far right hand end of the distribution housing you will see a round lid on the underside which is the location of the blower motor. Just to the right of that round lid is the resistor block which has several wires going to and a plug that attaches those wires to the resistor block. Unplug the plug and remove the two screws at either end of the rectangular plate which is the underside of the block. Once the screws are removed the block will drop down and out of the distribution housing for replacement. Check that the individual resistors are not touching one another before you put the new block in place, hold it there with the 2 screws, and put the plug back into the socket of the new block. The fan's multi-speed function should be restored.
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