Dodge Repair: Wont start in rainy/humid weather
Questionok the probably I am having is when it rains my car wont start almost like it is drawing moisture now would that mean there is a crack in the distributor cap. please help the year of my car is a 1999 please help
AnswerHi Shawn,
Any place where electricity can escape is a possible cause. Look at the distributor cap closely for any signs of a crack in the case, yes. Also, try looking at the engine when it is running on a dark rainy or humid night to look for any sign of electrical arcs such as at the distributor cap or along the spark plug wires themselves and the wire from the spark coil to the distributor. Wires as they age can leak as well. Replace anything that shows such arcs. But do it in the dark so you can see the arcing.
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