Dodge Repair: 2005 3.8L cylinder head/manifold torque specs

2005 Grand Caravan 3.8 Torque spec once head has been done also manifold torque specs.

Hi Lori,
The cylinder head torque spec is a 4-step process: 45 ft-lbs,65,65 again, then 1/4 of a turn using a regular handle  (not the torque wrench). Be sure that the bolt threads were not "necked" by holding against a straight edge.
On the manifold torque, there are instructions for the lower and upper intake manifold and the exhaust manifold. Tell me which you need. The best thing would be for me to copy the manual pages that describe all these head/manifold installation procedures as there are a lot of details beyond just the torque spec. I need to know your email address to send those pages. If you tell me the address don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at", otherwise the address will be automatically erased before I get it.
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