QuestionQUESTION: Hi Roland-
I have a 2001 Dodge Dakota 4X4 with the 4.7/auto. A few days ago my drivers side headlight started to flicker randomly. Replace the headlight and still does it. If the engine is shut off and key is in any position light stays on. With the engine running it flickers. Have tried this about 10 times and it only flickers when the engine is running and only the driver side light. Had the engine off and lights on and even jumped up and down on the bumper and still wouldn't flicker -- definably related to the engine running. Pulled the headlight housing back out and all the connections seem fine. Any ideas?
I have the '04 manual and there it is shown that a violet wire at the headlamp housing is what brings the current to the bulb low beam. That wire is attached to a module inside the cabin that is hidden behind the panel next to the driver's left leg (called the kick panel) which is a central electrical control for all the body electrical functions. You remove the lowest/rearmost end of the kick panel and just there at the lower corner in front of the door opening you should find this module (if the '01 is set up the same way). There is a gray 12-pin plug (one of three) which at pin 4 is found the other end of that violet wire. There are no disconnects along the pathway so either the wire is loose at the bulb end or the module end or it has been fatigued somewhere along that pathway. Try tracing along the wiring harness at the bulb and work your way along is as far as you can, shaking it gently, to see if you can induce the flickering. I don't see why the engine running would cause this one bulb to be flickering, except for the vibration of the wire harness that it causes. You also could try to see if the high beam light flickers also. If it does, then I would take a look at the socket's black wire that goes from the socket to a near by ground attachment to the body which is loose.
Let me know what you find.
Please read the PS below.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for the quick reply!
Does not flicker when on high beam.
Found the wires/box behind the kick panel. Pushed in all the connectors (none seemed loose)and wiggled the wires, made no difference, still flickers on low beam with engine running. When I leave the lights on and shut off the engine, it flickers until the engine has stopped then light stays on steady. Tried this few times, shut key off, flickers a few times (less than 5 seconds time)then stays on once engine has stopped.
I thought it might be a fuse but shouldn't that be for both headlights?
AnswerHi Jim,
The power supply for the headlamps is via that module but no details are given as to which of many fuses is assigned to the headlamps. You could check these fuses: 1,2,3,4,5,11,12,14,26 just in case one was assigned for that bulb. Try pulling the fuses while the low beams are 'on'. If that checks out, there must be a nearly broken wire or possibly an intermittent shorting to ground due to insulation being damaged somewhere along that violet wire is all that I can believe would explain flickering while the engine is running.
Thanks for the rating/nomination which you can do again if you believe I merit that.