Dodge Repair: 2007 Dodge Durango v8: no HVAC blower, 2007 dodge durango, check fuse

our Durango is blowing out cold air in the back vents but does not blow out the front, you can barely feel air coming out(it is cold)just not blowing.  What could be the problem?

Hi Ken,
Check fuse #7 in the power box in the engine compartment (40 amp) as that is what powers the blower motor. There is also blower motor relay in the corner of the box which is operated by the fuse and which sends along the power from that fuse to the motor. Check to see if that relay clicks when you request blower motor 'action'. If the fuse is good and the relay clicks then the blower motor itself may be bad or disconnected from its plug/socket on the HVAC box under the dash. It is located at the right hand end of the box on the bottom and has 2 wires connecting it to the power source on the HVAC box. You could unplug the blower plug and jump 12v to that and see whether the blower comes on or not.  
If you have a follow-up question let me know if this is a convention manual temp control type or an automatic temperature controller system.
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