The Dakota
QUESTION: I recently purchased a 98 Dakota and it came with (supposedly) bucket seats from a similar year Durango RT.I suspect they are newer.Being nice leather and power I would like to use them.
Traditionally with seats with built in switches, I see 2 wires,one power and one ground. These seats each have Two plugs.
One with two connections grey/red and black heavier gauge wires which I assume are the +power and -ground. The other plugs each have 4 wires (red/blue tan/green black/green black) in a lighter guage. Wondering what the purpose of these wires is and are they necessary and where they go?
Thx in advance
ANSWER: Hi Bruce,
Let me check the closest manual for trucks that I have, an '04 and see how its seats are wired and we'll compare that to what you see there. I'll be back this afternoon.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks, I have the 98 manual for my Dakota on CD and could not see the plug wiring for seats
ANSWER: Good that you have that. I have to deal with a tire problem for a neighbor so will be back to you in a couple of hours or so. Please 'rate/nominate' my answer/me in the meantime if you would be so kind, Bruce,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Should I wait for the end result before I rate the answer?
AnswerHi Bruce,
Neither the Durango nor the Dakota seats for '04 show this arrangement of wires/plugs. However, with a total of only 6 wires (to the seat proper, and that there is a separate control switch located at a distance from the seat which of course you don't have) so I am basing this on a similar 6 wires to the seat for the Dakota (but different color coding). In that model there are 6 wires to the seat that operate 3 motors: a front/back motor, a front of seat vertical motor, and a rear of seat vertical motor. Thus 3 motions with reversal of direction being accomplished by reversing the polarity of the voltage applied to each of the pair of wires going to one of the motors. The heavier duty pair likely drive the front back motor. I suspect that the tan/green and black/green power the front vertical motor, and that the red/blue and black power the rear vertical motor. You could try jumping + and - from the battery to those pairs and see how the chair moves. I don't believe you can do any damage if indeed there are three separate motors in the seats and 6 wires provided. You will be able to see if the pairs I suggested cause the motor to move or not, and if not then try shuffling the pairing until you sort out which pair goes to what motor.
Now with this specific answer in hand, feel free to the rating and decide whether to give me a
'yes' for volunteer of the month nomination. Thanks in advance.