Dodge Repair: 05 dodge ram 3500 gear shift selector, dodge ram 3500, hi art

QUESTION: My dog ate my tow haul button on my gear selector need to know how to replace the selector also it is a automatic thanks Art V

Can you describe to me where the tow haul button is located on the gear selector, and where the gear selector is located? There are two possible automatic transmissions (one more 'refined' than the other) and also is this possibly associated with a 'transfer case' and if so which) and I need to narrow in on exactly which set up you have to give you the information you need. I have the Ram manual on a CD and it is very complete but I am not certain what I am looking for. I can copy the pages and email them to you, but first I have to locate what I am looking for.
Sorry for the delay in answering but I just found your question in the 'pool' to which it had been referred by the other expert, Kevin.
Please 'rate' my answer (see the PS below).

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QUESTION: the tow/haul button is on the end of the shift lever on the column.i have taken off the upper and lower shrouds and see where the shift lever is connected it has a pin through it do i need to drive the pin out and if so which way

I think it would be easier to copy the pages from the manual and attach them to an email. Use a followup question to tell me your email address but don't use the @ symbol rather use "at", otherwise it is deleted entirely. Take a look at those and then let me know if you need more than that.
Please a 'rate' my answer (see the PS below).

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QUESTION: well i would but the chilton manual that i have is pretty vague and doesn't show anything other than detaching the lower shrouds nothing on the shift lever

Hi Art,
I am referencing to the Dodge corporate service manual for the '05 Dodge Ram. I will send you the pages if you want them. I don't think there is anything better than the factory manual!
Thanks for the rating and nomination, Art. Do let me know your email address if you want the pages from the manual.