Dodge Repair: Turn Signals and Hazards, turn signal switch, hazard switch
QuestionQUESTION: turn signals and hazards stopped working on my 2001 Dodge Durango. My wife said also the radio would sometimes quit. The 30amp fuse for the Turn/Hazard under the hood as I wiggled it it sparked between the contacts so I replaced it and they worked perfectly. Then the next day on the way home the turn signals stopped working again radio has been fine. I saw online that it could be the ignition switch?? I also changed the Flasher under the dash before the fuse and it didn't fix the problem. HELP!!
ANSWER: let me think about this and get right back
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QUESTION: I wanted to let you know that I haven't checked rechecked the fuse today. And also we take very good care of this truck is hasn't been hacked on or rebuilt in anyway if that helps.
AnswerIf the fuse is indeed good (but either measure it with an ohmmeter or very that it shows 12v at both ends or look very closely for the possibility that it has a subtle crack in its internal wire) and you show 12V all times on one of the fuse contacts (which is necessary for the hazards to work) then I would question the hazaed/turn signal switch contacts in the multi-function switch as possibly being oxidized. You could try spraying some electrical contact cleaner into an opening/crack in that turn signal/hazard switch. Because I don't have the wiring diagram I can't tell you which socket contacts of that switch are 'closed' when you select the hazarss or turn signals. Flasher is new so presumably it is not the issue.