Dodge Repair: 05 dodge ram 1500: HVAC blower motor, dodge ram 1500, hvac unit

how to replace heater blower moter in dodge ram 1500 4x4

Hi John,
The moor is on the underside of the HVAC unit under the dash at the far right end of it by the passenger cowl panel. It says you should remove that panel which is held in place by some clips under the door proper in the door sill. If you remove the clips in the door sill the panel should slide rearward for removal. Then you should access the motor for the blower. You begin by removing the electrical plug to the motor and then the retainers for the harness wire proper. Finally remove the three screws on the blower motor housing underside that will allow the motor and blower to drop out of the HVAC unit for replacement.
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