Dodge Repair: 2005 dodge neon hvac issues, spark plug wires, coat hanger
Questionhello again. i accidentally deleted your last message and i couldnt figure out how to restore it. so i pulled the hose off the drain tube and then i poked a coat hanger inside maybe 6 to eight inches. along the top i noticed there was something like a flap maybe. the heat worked great for one hour and a half trip. then the next day it almost didnt work at all. this morning, i poked it out again and it worked for about 25 minutes before freezing up and giving me some heat but no breeze. Also do you have any idea why the car runs great when its dry with low humidity, but when it rains or gets really humid it bogs down severely and is very hard to start and keep running once started? After about 3 mins of 1500 rpms it will usually stay running. In dry weather itdoesnt give me any starting or running problems.
AnswerHi Daniel,
Are you possibly loosing coolant from the system as measured in the overflow bottle in the engine compartment? Other than that try the coat hanger again since it seemed to help, maybe there is just too much junk in that drain pan and the hose is getting clogged up until you get rid of it.
The poor running in wet weather may be faulty spark plug wires that are 'arcing' the voltage to nearby ground points because of cracks/degraded insultation. On a dark humid night run the engine and look under hood to see whether there are such arcs occurring near the wires.
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