Dodge Repair: 98 Dodge Caravan 3.0L: no start, dodge caravan, fault code reader

I have a 1998 dodge caravan 3.0 engine. I was driving my van and I heard a light poof after I tried to push on gas padel and there was no rev to it I quickly pulled over to add oil an gas and when I start to turn key in the ignition it would nou pick up lighs on there was a crank but wouldn't catch what could my issue be batter new changed coil still won't crank all the way

Hi Aisha,
It may be the one of the engine rotation position sensors has gone bad or something with the distributor. If you can borrow a fault code reader that would plug in to a socket that is under the dash next to the steering column then you might get a fault code number that will tell us what is wrong. You might ask friends if they have such a fault code reader. That is the most direct way to find out what is wrong. It might be worth buying one for around $100 if you can't borrow one. Let me know once you get a fault code number(s).