Dodge Repair: Cigarete Lighter/Power Supply Outlet: Ram , snap ring pliers, dodge ram 3500

2001 Dodge Ram 3500
How do I remove the retainer ring and replace the cigarette lighter or the power outlet?

Hi Gene,
Your have to reach inside the socket and mate with a couple of holes in the rectangular retainer using an internal snap ring pliers with small tips that engage those small holes.
The best way to tell you about that is to copy the pages from the shop manual that I have on a CD. I would attach those to an email I would send to you directly. But I need to know your email address. So tell me that in a follow-up question but don't us the @ symbol, instead us 'at', or the address is automatically erased from your question.
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).
PS Sorry for the delay but I just found your question in the 'pool' to which it had been referred by Kevin.