Dodge Repair: Hard Starting 2002 Dodge Grand Caravan, grand caravan sport, dodge grand caravan
Question2002 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport 3.3L V6.
Mileage on van: 146,350
My van takes longer to start after sitting overnight. It takes probably about 3 seconds for it start. It starts immediately after the engine has been running for a short while. I am wondering if maybe I just need to do a tune-up?
I did have to replace the battery about a week ago. I have never replaced the plugs or plug wires. What do you suggest I do....if anything.
AnswerIf the plugs have 146,000 miles on them then yes I would change those out. Chrysler recommends replacement every 75,000 miles so that may be the reason for your problem.
Otherwise, turn the ignition switch "on-off-on-off-on and leave on" doing that in 5 seconds or less elapsed time. Then watch the odometer window of the cluster to see the mileage change to show any 4-digit numbers preceded by a P. Let me know if you find any to be present.
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