Dodge Repair: Distributor (1999 Jeep), crank sensor, spark coil
QuestionCan you tell me where the distributor gets its fire from. Sometimes it fires and sometimes it doesnt"
AnswerHi Scott,
I don't know for certain for lack of wiring diagrams for '99 Jeeps, but I would believe that the power for the primary winding of the spark coil is supplied by the automatic shutdown relay which, in turn to put out that voltage, requires that the cam/crank sensor is putting out pulses which get to powertrain controller. If the engine rotational sensors (perhaps there is a cam sensor in the distributor or a crank sensor at the flex plate, you didn't say which engine your have) so my suggestion is to get a free fault code readout at an Autozone or similar nationwide parts store to see whether a code for a failed sensor will tell you which one to change out, if either were going bad.
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