Dodge Repair: 1995 dodge neon diy repair, dodge neon, driving at night
Questioni have a 1995 dodge and i have a problem with my headlights shutting off while driving at night; it was fixed by connecting each wire instead of the quick plug which was melted. Thought connecting each wire would stop it from melting it.
AnswerHi George Ann,
I am not certain what is the present status of the headlights, nor what you mean by the 'quick plug' (the dimmer switch perhaps?) and which wires have been connected to which, nor what is the question you are asking of me. Could you clarify these for me? I have the manual so can deal with thise matter but I don't understand what you have done and what you now want to know.
There were some mid-year modification of the front light circuits which may be relevant and I have those as well.