Dodge Repair: torque spec on rocker-arm screws: 3.3/3.8L, dodge grand caravan, valve lifters
QuestionQUESTION: what is the torque spec on rocke-rarm screws
ANSWER: Hi Victor,
What size engine are you dealing with, and what is the year, and to be sure which rocker arm screws are you dealing with?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: its a 2001 dodge grand-caravan 3.3l v6 flex-fuel over-head valve enginen.
AnswerHi Victor,
The 7 rocker arm shaft bolts are tightened to 200 inch-pounds. There are 4 pages in the manual that give the instructions for reassembling if they have been taken apart and also details about spacing out time for the bolt tightening to allow the compression of the valve lifters to occur. If you don't have a good manual that shows you the details I can send the pages to you attached to an email that I will send directly. To do that I need to know your email address. If you will send me a new question where you have clicked on the box to make it a PRIVATE question than put your address in the text area of the question then I will see the address. If it is not sent as a PRIVATE question then the address is erased automatically so I won't see it. I will be available for another hour or so tonight, and again first thing in the morning.
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