Dodge Repair: 03 Intrepid codes: 0442,0871,1776, wheel drive vehicles, solenoid switch

QUESTION: Hello Roland,

First of all thank for your time.

My better half complained of her car being stuck in a lower gear the other day. I am unfortunately familiar with "limp in", or "limp home" mode.. being the owner of previous Chrysler front wheel drive vehicles, Sigh. Any way, she went to Autozone (per my instructions)to get a read out and these are the codes we came up with. P0442,P0871,P1776,P0700. I should mention the fact that when she restarted the car, that it drove fine. And has driven fine every since, after about five trips. But the problem(s) need addressed, mainly because the engine light is still on and this could happen again. And then be permanent.

The fellow at Autozone, said he believed it to be an external problem, not internal.. because of the code readout, and that the trans fluid was clean. Not saying this is the case, just stating what he said. With that said, I'm almost positive the car has a vacuum leak. Mainly because, the last time I drove it, I heard a very faint whining sound under the dash every time that I stepped on the brakes. Is it possible all this could be tied to the vacuum leak?

Thanks ,


ANSWER: Hi Eric,
The 1776 is a code related to the transmission specifically (the 0700 just notes the presence of another specific-trans code). That codes points to the solenoid switch valve in the valve body inside the trans being in the wrong position or stuck in the L-R position. It can be accessed from underneath after removing the pan and doesn't require a 'rebuild'.
Similarly the 0871 is related to the overdrive pressure switch sense circuit having a problem of some sort with the wiring or the switch itself. I can xerox copy the trouble shoot pages for those codes from an '04 CD manual if you want to check it out.
The 442 says there is a leak in the gas vapor collection system, and that is probably the whirring sound that you are hearing because it operates off of the intake manifold vacuum supply line. So check all the hoses beteen the tank, vapor canister, supply line, etc would be in order to find the loose fitting or damaged vacuum hose.
I doubt the trans issues have a vacuum-related problem because no vacuum is used by the electronic transaxle.
If you want the pages, then send me a new question where you have check the box to make it PRIVATE, and then tell me your email address in the text area of the question.
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Roland, thank you for your quick response and knowledgeable answer. I would love to send you my email for the xerox, but unfortunately it says you are currently "maxed out",and I suppose making the Private box unavailable.See? That's what I get for you knowing so much, and being fully booked, lol.

One other question on the trans codes though, being as your not busy or anything :). Even though the fluid looks decent... the filter and fluid has not been changed in our two years of ownership, if at all. The car has around 105K. Would possibly taking it somewhere to get the trans flushed as well as the fluid & filter changed, correct the problem? Just wondering if you'd seen something like that before.

Again... Many Thanks,


Hi Eric,
If the fluid is clear and doesn't smell burnt then I doubt that changing it will resolve the two codes. Feel free to try to submit a follow-up even if I am shown as 'maxed out'. I have opted to accept follow-up questions when maxed out, but not new questions.
Thanks for the rating and nomination and kind remarks.