QuestionQUESTION: i have taken out all 17 bolts and cant get the valve body to come out to be able to get to the solenoid, any suggestions
ANSWER: did u read the instructions from a service manual on what to do?
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QUESTION: yes i did but i cant get it to fall out. i was afraid to pull to hard or to pry it out in fear of breaking something
ANSWER: and what did it tell u to do?
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QUESTION: the only thing it said was that there was 17 bolts to remove and that the solenoid was atached to the valve body. there was no other remarks in regaurds on how to remove the valve body. i have the body lose and i can move it around but cant get it to fall out
AnswerDisconnect the TRS wiring connector. The solenoid wiring connector can remain attached to the case.
Disconnect the shift cable from the shift lever (at the transaxle).
Move the shift lever clockwise as far as it will go. This should be one position past the L position. Then remove the shift lever.
Remove transaxle pan bolts (Transaxle Oil Pan Bolts).
Remove transaxle oil pan (Transaxle Oil Pan). When reinstalling oil pan be sure that pan flange is clean and oil free. Apply a 1/8 inch bead of Mopar Silicone Sealer onto oil pan flange before installing.
Remove oil filter from valve body (Transaxle Oil Filter). It is held in place by two clips.
CAUTION: The 42LE transaxle oil filter is not interchangeable with the 41TE transaxle filter. Installation of a 41TE oil filter in a 42LE may cause transaxle damage.
Remove valve body bolts-to-case (Valve Body Bolts).
Carefully remove valve body assembly from transaxle (Valve Body From Transaxle).(Overdrive, Underdrive and Low/Reverse Accumulator Location)