Dodge Repair: engine swap, wiring harnesses, sensor packages

QUESTION: will a Dodge transverse mounted 2.7 bolt up to trans.and work as a swap for the original 2.7 Dodge Intrepid forward mount engine? Without major cost and changes.

ANSWER: The simple answer would be no, there are major differences in the engines that are year specific as far as sensor packages, manifolds and internal engine parts. They do share engine mount bosses and bellhousing bolt patterns however.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Would it be easier and cheaper to swap a 3.2 Dodge engine into a 2000 Dodge intrepid than try a transverse mounted 2.7 Dodge engine even if block casting # is the same in the 2.7?

I've been asked this type of question before, usually after the change has been done. They all start off the same way, 'my car won't start after replacing the motor'. So with that said, I would not advise that you try and use a 3.2 engine in place of the 2.7. Not only are the sensor packages different but also the wiring harnesses and computers. You very well could end up spending a lot of time and money on a vehicle that will not run.