Dodge Repair: 2002 AWD Durango 5.9L, cv shafts, cv joint

Hi Russell,
I have a conundrum. This 02 Durango has a sound like a cv joint going out. It is VERY loud and sounds like metal pieces are flopping around in something. It does it driving straight, and also turning. It does not make the sound when I have my foot off the accelerator. The cv shafts and both drive shafts feel tight and look good. The noise is definitely coming from the front of the vehicle. Is there something else I should check to keep from paying the shop? Thank you for your hrlp

Other than removing the cover from the front differential and taking a look at the gears you've done all the quick checks that I can think of. That said, nothing replaces and experienced ear when diagnosing a problem such as yours. You should seriously concider spending a few dollars and take it to a shop before something locks up or breaks. Leaving you stranded on the side of the road with a towing bill to pay on top of the repair charges.