Questioni recently bought a 2006 2.4 sxt dodge stratus i want to flush my radiator and i believe i found the plug but am not certain. under the front bumper towards the passenger side of vehicle there is a circle about 2 inches wide and up in the circle is the only thing i see accessible to the radiator. is this the plug?
When servicing the cooling system, it is essential that coolant does not drip onto the accessory drive belts and/or pulleys. Shield the belts with shop towels before working on the cooling system. If coolant contacts the belts or pulleys, flush both with clean water.
WARNING: Make sure engine cooling system is cool before servicing. Do not remove any clamps or hoses , pressure cap, or open the radiator draincock. When the system is hot and under pressure serious burns from coolant can occur.
1. Position a clean collecting container under draincock location.
2. Open radiator draincock located at the lower right side of radiator. Turn draincock counterclockwise until it stops.
3. Remove coolant pressure cap.
4. Raise vehicle on hoist.
5. 2.7L/3.5L: Remove heater hose at heater tube located at the right front inner frame rail and direct coolant flow into container.