Dodge Repair: Rear heater booster pump, booster pump, personal emails
QuestionI have a 01 Durango with the rear heater and controls in back. I only get heat for a second then it turns cold. Finally checked the booster pump and realized there was no power going to the pump. I checked the pump with direct power and it pumps fine. I want to know if it is fused and where the power comes from. I tried to trace the wires back but lost them in a large wire harness that is buried. Any ideas are appreciated.
Answersend me an email with a description of this post so I wont delete it.
I will send U a pic with the wire diagram for the booster pump.
I get like 10 emails a day people asking me how to do this and bla bla bla unless they live in my area I dont answer personal emails so make sure u post in the subject what this is about.