Dodge Repair: Dodge Intrepid Cooling Flush, 2000 dodge intrepid, dodge intrepid

QUESTION: HI,  I need a complete how to on flushing a v6 2000 Dodge Intrepid cooling system.  I have installed a hookup for a hose in the cooling line however I am unable to get the old coolant to drain before i flush.  I have opened the drain valve to 9 o'clock per the manual in the bottom left of the radiator as you look at it and opened the bleed valve.  Please let me know what step i am missing in the process.

ANSWER: take it to a shop to have this done  all U are doing is draining the system not flushing it.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, so by purchasing a flush kit with an adapter you can splice in to hook up to a garden hose I wasted my money? After all the coolant was removed from the system,  I was under the impression you could open the drain valve and start the car with the garden hose on and continue to flush fresh water through to cleanse the system.  I take it this is not accurate and i will be spending 13 dollars on a new hose to get that spliced thing off my car....

U got a cheap home kit a real coolant flush is where a machine is hooked up to the system and while the engine is hot and the thermostat is open all the coolant is sucked out  and replaced by coolant  what U are doing U will miss half of what is in the engine.