QuestionI have an electric window that I think went off track (it makes a clicking sound and pushes up on part of the ouside door when I try and I can hear it rattling around when I opena and shut the door)...I'm assuming I can remove the interior door panel and align it, but I'm not sure exactly how to do it safely adn without breaking anything....can you help?
CAUTION: Do not pry on door trim panel, damage to trim panel will result.
Remove speaker flag and housing.
Remove speaker grille by inserting trim tool at the rear of the grille and disengaging tabs holding to trim panel. Remove grille (FRONT DOOR TRIM PANEL - TYPICAL).
Open trim plug from the pull cup and remote bezel by inserting a small flat blade tool into the notch and lifting up.
Remove three screws from bottom of door.
Remove screw in pull cup.
Remove screw in remote bezel.
Remove two screws in the instrument panel interface area.
Remove three screws in the speaker area.
NOTE: Door trim clips are reusable up to three times, then should be replaced.
Using a trim tool, disengage the two retainer clips at rear of panel from the door trim panel to the sheet metal inner panel.
Raise trim panel up to disengage from the belt being careful to hold the panel securely.
CAUTION: Failure to hold the door trim panel before disengagement of the linkage will result in remote handle damage.
Disconnect the linkage from the remote handle assembly (INNER FRONT DOOR TRIM PANEL - TYPICAL).
Disconnect the power mirror switch.
Disconnect the power door lock switch wire connector.
Disconnect the power window switch wire connector.
Disconnect the radio speaker wire connector.
Disconnect wiring harness clips from trim panel.
Disconnect the courtesy lamp, if equipped.
Remove trim panel from vehicle.