QuestionQUESTION: My blower motor resistor has stopped working and I need to change it. Where exactly is it located? I don't see anything that resembles the pics that I have found online.
ANSWER: what kinda car is this?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sorry. I thought that information would appear with the question. It is a 2000 Dodge Durango.
Disconnect and isolate the battery negative cable.
Remove the cowl plenum cover/grille panel from the cowl top. See Vacuum Reservoir in the Removal and Installation section of this group for the procedures.
Reach through the cowl plenum access hole Blower Motor Resistor Remove/Install to remove the two hex screws that secure the front blower motor resistor to the cowl plenum panel.
Pull the front blower motor resistor and its wire harness out of the plenum panel and through the cowl plenum access hole far enough to access the wire harness connector.
Unplug the front blower motor resistor from the wire harness connector.
Remove the front blower motor resistor from the cowl plenum.