Questionhow do i change the power steering pump on a 1996 ram 3500 diesel w/ turbo?
Remove and cap steering pump hoses and vacuum pump vacuum line.
Remove the sender unit from engine block and plug hole in block Oil Pressure Sending Unit
Remove and cap the oil feed line from the bottom of the vacuum pump Oil Feed Line
Remove the lower bolt that attaches the vacuum/steering pump assembly to the engine block. Remove the nut from the steering pump attaching bracket Oil Feed Line
Remove upper bolt from the pump assembly Pump Assembly Upper Bolt and remove the assembly
Remove the mounting gasket.
Remove the steering pump to vacuum pump bracket attaching nuts Bracket Mounting Nuts
Slide the steering pump from the bracket. Use care not to damage the internal oil seal in the vacuum pump Steering Pump & Vacuum Pump
Remove the two pump body spacers.
Install the two pump body spacers.
Rotate the drive gear until the steering pump and vacuum pump drive dogs align. Install the steering pump onto the vacuum pump bracket. Use care to avoid damaging the oil seal in the vacuum pump during installation. The steering pump housing and spacers must mate completely with the vacuum pump bracket.
Install the vacuum pump bracket to steering pump nuts and tighten to 24 N·m (18 ft. lbs.)
Position new gasket on vacuum pump assembly. Use sealer if necessary to retain the gasket.
Align and install the pump assembly on the engine. Ensure the steering pump stud is inserted into the block bracket. Tighten the pump- to-engine block attaching bolts to 77 N·m (57 ft. lbs.)
Install the steering pump to attaching bracket nut and tighten to 24 N·m (18 ft. lbs.)
Remove plug and install the oil pressure sending unit and electrical connector.
Install the oil feed line to the vacuum pump. Tighten the oil line connection to 7 N·m (60 in. lbs./ 5 ft. lbs.)
Install the fluid hoses to the power steering pump. Tighten the pressure fitting at the pump to 31 N·m (23 ft. lbs.)
Install and clamp the hose on the vacuum pump.
Fill the reservoir with power steering fluid, refer to Pump Initial Operation.
Start the engine and check the operation of the brakes