QuestionHow to replace the belt tensioner pulley on a 2001 dodge neon 2.0 engine
AnswerNOTE: Slight axial movement of the tensioner arm is normal. Tensioner arm should move freely and maintain 50–70 lb. tension on belt.
Remove engine mount bracket assembly. (Refer to 9 - ENGINE/ENGINE MOUNTING/ENGINE MOUNT BRACKET - REMOVAL)
Remove the tensioner pulley mounting bolt.
Remove the pulley.
Disconnect negative battery cable.
Remove fastener securing ground strap to engine mount bracket.
Remove upper torque strut (Refer to 9 - ENGINE/ENGINE MOUNTING/TORQUE STRUT - REMOVAL).
Remove power steering/air conditioning compressor drive belt (Refer to 7 - COOLING/ACCESSORY DRIVE/DRIVE BELTS - REMOVAL).
Raise vehicle on hoist.
Remove accessory drive belt splash shield (Engine Mount Bolt Access Plug).
Remove lower torque strut (Refer to 9 - ENGINE/ENGINE MOUNTING/TORQUE STRUT - REMOVAL).
Lower vehicle.
Position a jack under engine. Raise jack enough to support engine weight.
Remove engine mount through bolt access plug (Engine Mount Bolt Access Plug)
Remove right engine mount to engine mount bracket through bolt (Engine Mount to Bracket).
Lower engine enough with jack to remove lower engine mount bracket bolt (Engine Mount Bracket Assembly).
Raise engine with jack to allow engine-to-body clearance for engine mount bracket removal.
Remove fasteners securing power steering pump to engine mount bracket. Do Not disconnect lines from pump.
Remove the two remaining bolts securing engine mount bracket to engine. Remove engine mount bracket (Engine Mount Bracket Assembly).