Dodge Repair: 97 dodge caravan 2.4l misfire, dodge caravan, lab scope
QuestionLet me start by saying I have degree in Automotive technology. I just don't have a lab scope, or job that I could access one with. My 97' Dodge caravan has a multiple cylinder misfire, cylinder 1, and 4. If I barely press on the accelerator pedal it does not misfire, but if I press it enough to register any percentage it starts misfiring and moves at a crawl, bucking and chugging till the vehicle speed matches the accelerator pedal position. Also the problem get proportionally worse as the heater is turned on. I suspected a voltage drop at the coil but it has 12v. If I use the MT2500 to turn the generator field on full the lights start flashing and the alternator will put out 15.9v and back to 12.6v like it PWM, just wandering if this is possibly related to the misfire. Thank you for your time.
Answerhave u started with the basics first? are those plugs firing? are they bad is the coil bad? don't worry about the alt if it was not working u would have a battery light on for low or high voltage and yes it is suppose to be a pulse width modulated system.