Dodge Repair: 2000 Intrepid engine light, insult to injury, single mom
QuestionI bought a 2000 Intrepid in January and have had problems with it since the first day. I was happy to have my own car finally that I had what I thought was the problem fixed. A week later I put it back in the shop, to no avail was the problem fixed. Recently I had an OBD diagnostic done on it with 2 codes. The first code was my TPS was no good, and the 2nd code was my #6 ignition coil was bad. Well I had both problems fixed, but car still idles, shuts off and sputters. To add insult to injury now the blower stopped working only when the A/C is on. Could you offer some type of solution to single mom with school kids.
Answerfirst of all there is no such thing as a code that tells u something is bad it only tells what what the issue is now what it might be could be a part or a wire or a computer that is up to the tech to figure that out.
My suggestion is to take it to a better shop or a dealer to get the correct diag done.