Dodge Repair: Drivers side door handle and lock, negative battery cable, door latch
QuestionSomeone tried to pry the handle off of my wives 06 3500. Now the key will not work. The local dealership told me that I would need to replace the handle and the tumbler. I purchased both parts and they set up the new tumbler to except my key. How do I replace the tumbler and or handle?
1. Disconnect and isolate the negative battery cable.
2. Remove the door glass (Refer to 23 - Body/Door - Front/GLASS, Door - Removal) .
3. If equipped, disconnect the exterior handle wire lead (7) from the door wire harness connector (3).
4. Disconnect the actuator rods (6 and 8) for the door latch (5) from the exterior handle (1).
5. Remove the two nuts (2) that secure the exterior handle to the door (4) and remove the handle.