Dodge Repair: 98 Dodge Intrepid ES 3.2L air compressor trouble?, dodge intrepid, freon

QUESTION: My air conditioner started acting funny a month or so ago. It would blow cold air for a while then one day it would just stop. My husband put freon in it checked for leaks, you name it but it still blew hot air. Then out of no where it just started blowing really cold air again and was fine from then on. Just some days it seemed hotter than others. I went on a trip to NC for 2 weeks and it was still doing that so I let some jerk look at it who added more freon to it which I don't think it needed. Well it started staying a bit colder for the most part. The whole way back home to GA it worked just fine. The next day and since on it doesn't work. Just hot are comes out. I have tried checking it here and there to see if it works never had a problem from the car till the other day I was seeing if it would work and my car started squealing pretty bad when I tried to drive. I went to a car repair place and he said there was to much freon in it and the compressor went. He is also telling me with the compressor I have to replace the dryer, expansion block, and some other things. Is this really what is wrong and do I have to really replace all those things with it? My husband is out to sea and I am truly in need of some help!!

ANSWER: where do u live in GA? I am in Norcross I can take a look at it with some gauges if U would like.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I live in St. Marys

ahhh aways away.   I can not be 100 % certain what is wrong with your car with out myself looking at it  I am only taking the work of what U have told me and what another tech has seen.  I would need to see what the pressures are in the system  if any at all.