Dodge Repair: Re: 2003 Dodge Stratus SXT, lakis ford, crank shaft
Questionokay well i found out that it was the timing belt that had is a Mitsubishi engine and in turn a single over-head cam making it an interference engine...meaning that i possibly bent valves when the timing belt busted. after looking at it some more at lakis ford and dodge where i bought the car they found that i also busted a silent shaft belt*crank shaft sensor belt* and the tone wheel was also broke i would ask that you at least post my question and this on your website because their are others that have the same car i do and have posted on this website and you answered them so maybe they will see my post and beware to change their timing belt every 60,000 miles like your supposed to and not end up like my car...maybe $1,200 to fix but thank you for taking the time to answer my question even tho it was out of your expertise!
AnswerI dont answer alot of questions like what U had due to the fact that I do not have enough info to base an answer on. I can tell u what to check and so on but with no tools or scanners alot of the time I am just wasting my breath on things to look for. Best course of action for most people is to have a pro look at first hand not ask some one over the net about some stuff. I am here and I can walk and give direction to people that have some tools maybe not a scanner and also the ability and means to perform some checks on things. Also remember one thing U are my eyes and ears of the car I have not seen it or had the chance to take a look to see what it could be.